100 Women Who Care

Fraser Valley Chapter

Join Us

We are a passionate group of women who care about local community causes and are committed to community service. We gather four times a year for just one hour to raise money for a local charity.

100% of all donations go directly to local charities

Simple Concept. 100 Women. 1 Hour. $100 Donation =

$10,000+ Raised For a Charity in Our Community


Link Tree Here: https://linktr.ee/100womenfraservalley


You’re Invited

Are you interested in making a positive impact within the Fraser Valley community?

Do you have limited time and resources to give?

If so, then 100 Women Who Care Fraser Valley might be for you!

100 Women Who Care Fraser Valley is one of more than 800 Alliances located worldwide that focus on coordinating funding for local, community charitable organizations. We gather at quarterly meetings for 1 hour to hear three short presentations on local nonprofits in need. Members vote and each person writes their cheque for $100 directly to the winning nonprofit chosen for a collective, impactful donation. The group is run entirely by volunteers with no administrative fees solicited from members. Yes, 100% of money raised goes to the charity voted on!

- Interested in Joining? -

Become a Member

We have donated over $70,000 to Local Charities!

Charity chosen at a meeting of 100 women who care fraser valley

We bring local women together to raise money that goes 100% to helping our local Fraser Valley charities. Women are so busy these days with our families, our careers. Life. We wish we knew more about what’s going on in our community and how we can help. We want 100% of our donations going straight to the cause. We want to know how our money was spent. We are 100 Women Who Care. And we are making the Fraser Valley a better place for ALL of it’s citizens, one charity at a time. Please join this grassroots movement – we are always accepting and welcoming new members!

Jan 30 2024 | CARE FOR WOMEN | $7000

Aug 2023 | Langley Foundry | $6700

April 2023 | Ishtar Women’s Resource Society | $6400

Jan 23, 2023 | Nick’s Nook | $5400

Sep 20, 2022 | Kindred Farm Sanctuary (formerly SALI)| $4000

Jun 21, 2022 | BABY GO ROUND | $3400

Mar 8, 2022 | KIMS Angels | $3700

September 26th 2021 | Alternatives to Violence Project BC | $2800

June 15th 2021 | Camo Fridays | $3500 |

February 9th 2021 | The Centre For Childhood Development | $3400

October 27th 2020 | Donation recipient: Basics for Babies| $3000

March 20th 2020 | Donation recipient: BEA YOU TIFUL | $2450

January 21st 2020 | Donation recipient: Gaby Davis Foundation | $4700

September 24th 2019 | Donation recipient: Rotary Club Delta Starfish Backpack Program | $3700

May 7th 2019 | Donation recipient: Langley Special Olympics | $3200

At our quarterly meetings:

  • We hear three nominated charities present what they’re all about
  • Hear what the last chosen charity did with their donation
  • Donate again by vote to another local charity
  • Mingle and enjoy the event
  • Inspire and support each other and friends and Entrepreneurs

What Our Members Say

We are a passionate group of women, working hard to improve our local community of Fraser Valley.

– Tina Shaw